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Success is measured 
by the obstacles which 
you overcome.
Booker Taliaferro Washington
1859 - 1915
…....  doing it exactly right!
1980’s +		Exceeding Sales Targets by 351%:
1990’s +		Industry Leading Management Systems: 
2000’s + 		Project awarded “National Interest” status by an European Government:
The brief from our client was to Research, Design and Develop the most Innovative, Advanced and User Friendly Accessible Tourism Complex that would allow the majority of disabled persons, irrespective of their impairments, to be as self-sufficient and with as little outside assistance as possible.

The Project was submitted to a European Government’s Ministry of Economy and Innovation for scrutiny and approval and received the status of a “Project of National Interest Potential” attracting financial and other support from Central Government Agencies.

Although since our Project was designed and presented, international organisations have been actively lobbying governments to provide more Accessible Tourism sites and projects, our Project remains the most advanced Accessible Tourism project ever presented to any European Government in the Accessible Tourism Market Sector that is worth €80-billion Euros annually in Europe alone.
Our Client is an Early Years Education and Childcare Provider. We authored all of their Management Systems including their Procedural Manuals. Following a “Nationally Reported Crime”, Reporters sought out our Client, which was then featured on a special News Report as an example of what quality other Early Years Education providers should be working to as our Dedicated Quality Management Systems we had authored and implemented in our Client ensured that the possibility of the “Crime” being committed at our Client was so remote that it was almost an impossibility.

These Management Systems are now “Industry standards” and in some instances have become United Kingdom legislative requirements.
Our Client is one of Southern Africa's largest importers of quality brand products. They were suffering heavy losses in the sales of one of their “internationally” renowned brands due to their competitor’s launching similar quality and priced goods. Our remit was to Re-Launch their Product with the aim of recapturing the share of the market sector representative of the brand’s stature.

Our strategies allowed our Client to achieve 273% of the sales target in the first month, and at the end of the six month re-launch contract, our Client had achieved an overall of 351% of the sales targets.

The re-launch of our Client’s Product was successful and they managed to not only overtake their competitor’s market share, but our Client also increased their market share by a further 20% in comparison to previous years’ sales figures.
We wish to thank our clients for allowing us to share their experiences …..

These are their stories …..
Product Re-Launch - Wholesaler - Africa
Client independently sought by Television News Program as example of how  the sector should work -
Childcare & Education - United Kingdom 
Accessible Tourism Project - Europe